Best VPN For Crypto Trading In Australia- 2022

In this article, we will give you a detailed guide on the best VPN for crypto trading in Australia and the necessities of a VPN while trading crypto.

VPN, the abbreviation stands for virtual private network, is available publicly to protect and encrypt the data of their users from getting hacked.

Hackers may attack your servers continuously if they find your IP exposed. Maintaining anonymity while surfing or sending and receiving data will protect you and your location from being exposed.

Best VPN For Crypto Trading In Australia – Are VPNs Safer?

Blockchain establishes anonymity, but still, you can expose oneโ€™s identity and other important details. 

Best VPN For Crypto Trading Australia

While trading on cryptocurrencies at various crypto exchanges, hackers can reach out to you with a trusted mask.

Thus, easily you can be looted. In such a dilemma, there comes crypto VPNs that restrict you from getting spoofed and looted.

In this review, we will provide an overview of some of the Best VPN for crypto trading in Australia.

5 Key Points On Best VPN For Crypto Trading In Australia

Crypto trading generates a gratifying passive income for the traders. But, when it comes to the security of their assets and data, it is more likely that people do not pay so much attention to it.ย Securing money is as essential as earning it. To save your data and assets from fraudulent websites we use VPNs.

โ—พ Crypto trading VPNs are those bodies that protect your assets and data from scammers and thieves.

โ—พ By considering VPNs, we do not only earn money but store them in our bank accounts.

โ—พ Blockchain provides us anonymity but also keeps everything transparent which sometimes invites hackers to hack into any other personโ€™s account.

โ—พ The VPNs act as a protecting layer that protects the user’s belongings.

โ—พ It rarely happens that VPNs fail, but it happens so then they are not the right VPNs.

What Is Crypto VPN Australia?

VPNs in general protect your data from theft. The stealing of data can occur due to using public, un-anonymous, and unprotected Wi-Fi.

Crypto Vpn Australia

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies being pseudo-anonymous can lead unprotected trading to bankruptcy.

Crypto VPNs in such scenarios, provide you a layer of protection that is hard for hackers to break through in accessing your IP address and assets.

Crypto VPNs come with two additional shields of protection and strictly adheres to them. 

  1. No-logs Policy

No-logs policy ensures you that the VPN service provider does not store your data and real IP address. No logs policy is also the pledge of the service provider that it will not provide any information to any business and the governing bodies if targeted to do so.

  1. Kill-switch function 

In case the VPN suffers any connection issue, the Kill-switch function will terminate your internet connection for protecting your IP address from being exposed.

Why Should You Use a VPN For Crypto Trading In Australia?

The pseudo-anonymity of blockchain and cryptocurrencies has led hackers to break through your data and anonymity. Adding a VPN as an extra protecting layer while trading on cryptocurrencies will bring no loss. There are so many reasons for one to buy a VPN.

  • VPN is a useful tool that encrypts your data connection and establishes complete anonymity for the user to trade on their digital assets. 
  • In the countries where cryptocurrencies do not make an effect due to governmental restrictions and regulations, VPNs hides usersโ€™ IP address there and makes the trade happen by representing them as a resident of any other country.
  • Crypto VPNs come with a No-log policy and kill-switch function for extra security. 

Crypto Trading Security Risks 

A completely decentralized system brings so many security risks or we say cybercrimes. Most of the time new bees have been hunted by hackers. For managing your cryptocurrencies safely you must do your research thoroughly.

Offline wallets

Offline wallets are also called cold wallets and are considered to be the safest way to store your digital assets.

These wallets as the name suggests are not connected to the internet and this is the reason which protects the assets from any type of risk exposures on the internet.

You can store your digital assets in offline wallets via paper money. Users stores their public address and security keys in cold wallets.

Phishing attacks

Many examples can be drawn from social media about phishing that the traders lose their assets after being manipulated by the scammers via emails or else.

Scammers are interested in the private keys that the users stores in online or offline wallets.

Most of the time beginner investors get scammed because of their lack of knowledge and bad privacy habits.


Cryptojacking is a type of malware, that scammers use to communicate directly with the victimโ€™s computers.

They enter the traderโ€™s customers by sending an invite link via emails or any other social media. They try to access the private keys or mine cryptocurrencies.

Fake Crypto Exchanges

Hackers lure traders to exchange their assets on their crypto exchange. After the exchange takes place the scammers do not return the exchanged assets.

These feelings of loss in traders can shake them from within. Or the hackers show the traders their exchange platforms while trading and innocent traders realize their mistakes later.

Best VPN For Crypto Trading In Australia – Reviewed

As there can be seen the abundance of promising VPNs in the market, so it becomes difficult to identify the right VPN for crypto trading. In further reading, you will be able to select among the VPNs described below.

Express VPN Australia

Express VPN is one of the most reliable crypto trading VPNs, spread over 94 countries that connect the world with high-speed service and strict protection.

Express VPN Australia

ExpressVPN Australia can protect every device, whether it be, a smartphone, Laptop, tablet, or computer with only one subscription.

Being conscious about your privacy and security makes you a strong being. With the express VPN, you can travel to many countries.

And it works there too with its original high speed and protection. Express VPN is the most recommended express VPN that is more secure and takes care of anonymity.

Atlas VPN Australia

Atlas VPN comes with all the security shields for free. It can operate over a maximum number of operating systems such as Windows, IOs, Android, and macOS.

Express VPN Australia

Your browser is safe from all the security threats and bugs with Atlas VPN. Protecting your content from different Ads. The Atlas VPN does not let you lose interest and waste time.

With the help of this VPN, you can browse all the sites and can read refrained books that are only for free.

By unlocking its premium features you will have control over almost all of the stuff available on the internet. You can protect your all devices at the same time and enhances them more. 

IP Vanish Australia

IP vanish, as the name suggests is the virtual private network that protects your data from being scammed and assets from being looted.

IP-Vanish VPN Australia

By installing it to your phone you are standing on an unbreakable rocky wall against the data scammers.

Microsoft, Android, and Amazon support the IP Vanish. With the IP vanish in your phone, or laptop you are protecting your data from getting misused.

You can protect your devices from the third parties viruses and spying. These third-party applications get available your information to businesses, say No to third parties now.

Nord VPN Australia

Nord VPN is one of the most popular and best VPN for crypto trading in Australia. That protects your data from scammers and malware.

The Nord VPN acts as bulletproof glass for scammers and trackers. It stops the Ads that irritate you every time while binge-watching.

And it provides you a secure, genuine, and clean atmosphere in the browser and on your phone. Nord VPN comes with a No logs policy and Killโ€“switch functions like other VPNs. which means even the service provider can not know and store what we are watching and emailing.

Nord VPN protects all the devices and operating systems such as Linux, Windows, Android, and iOS from threads.

Surfshark VPN Australia 

Surfshark provides a tunnel for your data to transmit from your computer to the service provider. Adhered to the No-logo policy Surfshark encrypts your data that no one can read or store.

Surfshark VPN Australia

Arming your computer, laptop, and mobile phone protects them from all types of threads and theft.

Browse at any place, anywhere you want to, but do not forget to turn the surf shark on. even if you are using the public network for browsing, Surfshark will block any insecurity arriving, only for $2.49/mo

Surfshark will provide you unlimited access to all devices and more.

Strong VPN Australia

Strong VPN is featured by the Wireguard technology that enhances its overall performance by speeding it up, optimizing its features, etc.

Strong VPN Australia

The Strong VPN operates on windows, Android, iOS, macOS, etc. strong VPN provides its services to over 30+ countries served by 950+ servers.

As this is also a VPN,  it also serves as the other VPN service providers are doing.

An anti-thread platform that protects your devices from all around. The strong VPN is not for free, hence it charges some sort of service fee like many other VPNs.

You can buy its monthly and annual plan for $10.99. and $3.66 respectively.

Proton VPN Australia 

Proton VPN is one of the fast, easy-to-use, and free tools. the prior goal of the proton VPN is to provide security, privacy, and freedom.

Proton VPN Australia

For security purposes, the proton VPN encrypts the data tunnel to protect the passwords and safety keys that ensure the user’s incredibility. For privacy proton, VPNs have a no-log policy, that they can not decrypt the user’s data.

The third goal of proton VPN is to free the users from the censorship of the internet that now they will be accessing any website. They have made the proton VPN to use for free.

How Does A VPN Helps Protect Your Crypto Trading?

Smart trading is not only about that you are earning nice profits for your investments. Protecting your profit and securing it is also part of smart trading. VPNs are available in the market for foolproof trading.


Using VPNs is a professional way of protecting your money from fraudulent sites. hackers are smarter than you.

But, it does not mean that you need to be as smart as the hackers are, rather than you should know how you can secure your money from the hacker’s attacks.

VPNs provide security to your data and assets. It encrypts your data and isolates it from the public network.


Initially, people believed that blockchain completely defends your identity, which means users can use the blockchain anonymously.

But, this isnโ€™t the case. Yes, blockchain does not reveal your name in front of the world, but your IP address can be traced back to wherever you have been on blockchain and for how much time.

The rest of the task is then completed by the VPNs. VPNs hide your IP address and yes, now you are completely anonymous.

Helps Unblock Geo-Restricted Coins

Yes, there are such VPNs in the market that can unlock the geo-restricted coins by spoofing our location. VPNs like Nord VPN and Surfshark can unlock the coins restricted by the government in a geographical state.

Lets You Bypass Firewalls

Firewalls are the restrictions imposed by governments or businesses on websites that restrict them to open.

On the other hand, there is a VPN that can break all the barriers and bypass them. It is the trick that VPNs play. VPNs can successfully hide the user’s real  IP address. and show the address from the other country.

How To Use a VPN For Trading Cryptocurrency

In this segment of Best VPN for crypto trading in Australia, we are going to provide a common guide for using any VPN across the globe. Most VPNs are easy to use and user-friendly however having a guideline mentioned is always better. 

SignUp For a VPN

The first thing you are required to do is to sign up for a VPN of your choice. You have to create an account and select a plan according to your needs and then fill in all the information required. 


Now click on the download option to download the VPN for your device so that your entire system can use it and not only your browser. Download the VPN and install it. 


After installing the VPN application on your device. Open it and log in with the account that you created. Once done your setup will be completed and you will be free to use all the features that you subscribed for. 

Trade Crypto Securely

Now after turning ON the VPN and connecting to a remote location, you are all secure to start trading over the internet without worrying about losing your IP address to someone you donโ€™t want to.

VPNs will protect you from any misadventures while trading, acting as an additional firewall between you and hackers. 

Is VPNs Safe? 

It depends on what VPN is in question, if you ask for the free VPNs, then the answer is no. because you donโ€™t know where did that VPN come from and will it protect your data or not, these questions remain in consideration.

On the other hand, if you ask about the paid or reputed VPNs then the answer is yes because this is legitimate to use 

Is It Legal To Use VPN For Crypto Trading In Australia?

Yes, it is completely legal to use a VPN for crypto trading in Australia. Many countries have banned VPNs for maintaining transparency in trading. Countries like Turkey, China, Russia, etc Many democratic countries have legalized the use of VPNs in trading because of privacy and security purpose.

Why Use VPN Over Tor Or Proxy?

TOR browser is an open-source project that allows its users to access the dark web with extreme security features and a continuous change in the local IP to any random IP.

Tor Vs VPN

Repeated IP change and local IP masking make TOR a slow option for those who want to trade at real-time prices and in the market where a second can change the entire portfolio.

Proxy is also a slower option when compared to a VPN and thus, VPN is the most suitable option when it comes to being used for trading. 

Best VPN For Crypto Trading In Australia – Conclusion

As you have read how VPN is useful for trading in crypto. Because it completes half of the remained work by the blockchain to defend the transparency for secure transactions. 

VPNs are playing  a big role in crypto trading by hiding your IP address,

Hackers play different tricks with investors. And all the investors are not that much smart. So, only remains a single way that they let go of their assets. Everyone can easily run VPNs besides being smarter. 

But, VPNโ€™s abundant presence in the market can confuse new users and it may become for some users to select the best choice for them. The only way that they can choose the right VPN is by doing self-research and we hope that this article on the best VPN for crypto trading in Australia will give you all the information that you need. 

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